Finding out what operating system you have on your computer or device is something you might not know but it is a good piece of information to have handy when necessary, like software and operating system upgrades, patches, etc.
This article will list how to find what operating system you are running on your computer or device.
What Operating System Do I Have On My Computer?
If you’re running any flavor of the Microsoft Windows operating system on your PC you can go to the control panel and find out what operating system you have installed.
The operating system or OS, is what makes your computer or device do stuff.
Which means it’s the guts or software on the device or computer that interprets all your keystrokes, mouse clicks, printing functions, video and audio functions, and turns them into actions that the computer can perform.
In the Windows operating system, you can find out what OS you’re running by right-clicking on “My Computer” or “Computer” and then select “Properties”. There you will find what operating system is on your computer.
What Operating System Do I Have On My Mac?
On my 27″ iMac and most Macs, you can click on the little apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of the desktop and then select “About This Mac”. You will be presented with a small windows that displays the Mac OS or Operating System. Mine is Mac OS X, Version 10.8.2.
What Operating System Do I Have On My iPad?
To find out what operating system is installed on your iPad, touch the “Settings” button, then the “General” menu selection on the left, then “About” at the top right pane. The version of iOS will be listed a few lines down next to “Version”.
What Operating System Do I Have On My iPhone?
- From your home screen tap on “Settings”
- Touch “General” near the bottom of the screen”
- Select “About” at the top of the screen
- Locate the “Version” row. The number to the right is your operating system version.
What Operating System Do I Have On My BlackBerry?
Select “Options” from the home screen. Depending on what BlackBerry you have, you’ll either see “About” or “Device”. If you selected “Device”, then you’ll select “About Device Versions”.
Both display the version on the third line down.
What Operating System Do I Have On My Phone?
Most phones have a preferences or settings menu that lists a lot of details about your phone. Find that area and you’ll be able to identify your phone’s operating system.
For example, on my Droid Razr, I navigate to “System Settings”, and scroll all the way to the bottom of the list of items and select “About”. This will show me a few details about the phone.
And since the Droid Razr runs the Android Operating System, I can easily locate that on the screen designated by “Android Version”. Which is my case is 4.0.4.
Well there you have it, A quick guide on how to find the operating system for some of the devices and computers out there that you might be using.
If you’d like to help other readers of this article, tell us in the comments below how to find the operating system on your computer(s) or device(s).
I prefer to have mac
but also like windows 8 as well
Awesome, thanks, was looking for my Blackberry and couldn’t find it anywhere.
I should mention here that I wish there was at least one phone loaded with a mobile version of Ubuntu
Windows 7 & 8 all time favorite