There seems to be a lot to check out in the browser world lately. With Apple’s automatic download of their Safari browser this week as well as the recently released Internet Explorer 8 beta1 and Firefox beta 3. It’s just too munch to handle. 🙂 But I think it’s great fun.
Although I favor Firefox, I love using Apple’s Safari because its the closest thing for me to see my blog as it would appear using an Apple. I need to buy me an Apple. One of these days.
Internet Explorer has to stay in my browser arsenal because I’ve developed ASP.NET web apps. IE 7 is clunky and slow and big and clunky and slow and big, oh, did I say clunky and slow and big too many times.
Microsoft really needs to kick butt with IE 8 and future versions of IE, it just doesn’t feel good and and IE’s future doesn’t seem too bright. There are quite a few big companies out there that have written old web applications that require and run under IE, but when those apps come to end-of-life, there will be more opportunity to phase out IE from corporations. Just my opinion.
Apple’s Safari Browser for Windows
Click image for larger view (800 x 600)
Firefox 3 beta4
Click image for larger view (800 x 600)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 beta 1
Click image for larger view (800 x 600)
One nice feature about Firefox now is the ability to save your open tabs when you shut down Firefox. Firefox will ask you if you’d like to save your tabs and not be asked in the future. That’s extremely nice and convenient. The Opera web browser has had that for quite some time now.
I don’t have any detailed review or features list at this time as I haven’t really started digging into these browsers yet.
Fire fox is still the best, no bugs it is a must for business owners
I’ve always loved Firefox. I love how it makes browsing really fast and secure. I love the plugins that I can use with it. Safari on the other hand is okay, but I like Firefox better. IE is something that I seldom use because it tends to hang and it slows down internet browsing.