photo credit: Unhindered by Talent
Recently I’ve read a couple articles on writing for your blog and how you need to make quality time for writing by not being distracted. Well, while preparing a blog post I thought I’d share what was going on in my world as I tried to write. Now, I know this isn’t different than a lot of folks and some might have horrific tales that can top mine, but at some point it warrants time to stop and focus on what you’re trying to accomplish. Which means getting all the stuff out of the way that’s making you unfocused. The stuff that affects the quality of your writing.
I was running Firefox while writing in WordPress. Some other applications I had open while writing included Flock with four tabs open to four different blogs and two social media sites. I had two other Firefox windows open, one with Gmail so I could check my email between words. 🙂 The other Firefox window had my wife’s Blogger blog because she wanted me to check out her latest blog post and make sure her spelling and grammar looked ok, move images around and align them, etc.
I have a TV card in the PC I use for writing. So, I was watching March Madness (Basketball). I also had my twhirl (Windows Twitter Client Software) running. Twhirl pops up a little window on the lower right-hand side of the Windows screen, so every time someone sends a tweet, you get a pop-up and it disappears. So does Outlook if you have that feature turned on, which I do. More pop-ups – weather and news alert software sitting in your system tray ready to spring to action.
I forgot to tell you, my PC TV is on mute so I can listen to streaming music from Pandora.
Windows Explorer was running because I was moving some image files around, in my spare time between words. 😉 Internet Explorer was running because I’m logged into my Gmail account as me with Firefox and my wife’s Blogger blog using her Gmail account in IE.
In addition, I also have two small dogs (above) who are always hanging around my office door as if they need something all the time. Whether I put them outside, play with them, take them for a walk or feed them they’re just sitting there looking at me. Mommy bloggers are special. I can’t imagine having my kids little again and trying to blog while having them running around.
During my blogging breaks there’s always something to fill my time – checking my online accounts to make sure money is moving here and there – bill pay, investments, etc.
Oh yea, another pop-up, one my daughters sending me an instant message and my Gtalk pops-up to let me know. Talk about train of thought on the wrong tracks now.
The days events rushing through my head, since I write at night. Today I drove 90 miles from home to an office of about twenty people I support and back. Of course I had a list of tasks to accomplish while I was out there and the moment you arrive the drive-bys start – “Bill can you do this, can you do that while you’re here.”
Well there ya’ go, an article about what was going on while I started to write this. There are plenty of articles out there that can help you write during your writing time. I’d provide some links here but it’s time for bed. The ultimate distraction – in a good way. I’ll let Google do the work. 😉
Now, here are some links:
Challenge: Put On Your Blogging Blinders by DailyBlogTips
Research Sources for Writers: A Guide to Backing up Your Words by Write To Done
3 Steps to Productivity by AnyWired
Hi there… I saw your comment on CopyBlogger and liked it, but when I saw your blog name, I had to stop by. Just wanted to say hi and I love the pic for this piece. I had a post on my blog a while back saying that focus will pay your mortgage, but I think you’ve said it better. 🙂
Thanks Naomi and thanks for stopping by. Your blog looks good, I’ll have to spend some time there.