Have you tried Google Notebook? If you're a blogger and you're in the middle of writing a post, and you have an idea pop into your head, there's nothing like a notebook right in front of you ready to record that thought so you can get it out of your head and not have to remember it later. If you're a fan of David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD), then you know part of Continue Reading
The Art of Focus
photo credit: Unhindered by Talent Recently I've read a couple articles on writing for your blog and how you need to make quality time for writing by not being distracted. Well, while preparing a blog post I thought I'd share what was going on in my world as I tried to write. Now, I know this isn't different than a lot of folks and some might have horrific tales that can top Continue Reading
Zipping Files With Vista
photo credit: flattop341 I've downloaded and installed Windows Vista Service Pack 1. I've been running Vista Home Edition and Ultimate Edition for a bout one year now. The file copy, file zipping and unzipping and file deleting are sometimes super duper slow and has been discussed by many. I decided to check out what's changed with the zipping and unzipping of folders and Continue Reading
How To Run Multiple Operating Systems On One Computer
If you have a need to run multiple operating systems on one computer or test software products you're interested in trying, VMware Workstation might be the solution for you. VMware Workstation allows you to run multiple operating systems on one computer. What does that mean? On a Windows XP computer, if you have a lot of memory (I recommend a minimum of 2GB) and hard disk Continue Reading
4 Tips For Managing Your PC
photo credit: shioshvili Is your computer's Desktop or My Documents folders overflowing with files? Do you save a bunch of stuff to your desktop? Shortcuts to documents? Shortcuts to websites? Shortcuts to everything? Programs you downloaded and installed? Photographs downloaded from your camera? Do you let it all sit there until it takes over your desktop? A lot of Continue Reading