I received an email form Yaro Starak of Entrepreneurs Journey blog and his blog mentoring program Blog Mastermind. I am a former student of Blog Mastermind and I still review all the materials we received as well as his freely available Blog Profits Blueprint ebook.
When I look in my Blog Mastermind folder on my PC I immediately see over 30 mp3s from the course. I used to listen to them going to work and coming home as well as when I was working out and walking.
The ebook alone will last you a long time while you blog. Written using a blogging strategies metaphor and the tactics to execute those strategies, there’s a lot of information to help you strategically start and maintain a blog.
Below are some of the blogging lessons Yaro taught when I took the course, and I’m sure there will be even more information as well as richer information since he’s already taught it before I can only imagine it will get better and better.
- Blogging MIndset
- Topic Selection
- Blog Content
- Marketing Your Blog
- Blog Monetization
- Blogging and Social Media
- more and more and more…
That’s just a few topics in the course I took. Yaro also provides mp3s of interviews he does with successful bloggers as well as extra mp3s on course topic.
On top of all that, Yaro has a forum with sections of the forum dedicated to Blog Mastermind students. This is where you’ll meet fellow bloggers ranging from beginning bloggers to experienced bloggers. There is definitely a feeling of community and support in the forums alone to want to belong to the Blog Mastermind course.
If you’re not sure about joining and you would like to check out Yaro’s information first hand, then check out these free videos on starting a blog at BecomeABlogger.com.
Very interesting for people who wants to make money from their blog!