Here are 10 tweets from Twitter on Social Media including statistics, links, tools, people and opinions. 1. Report: Social Web Usage Tipped in 2008 by ReadWriteWeb in care of a tweet by lizstrauss 2. Social Media Now 10.31.08 by Social Media Club in care of a tweet by jfouts 3. 10 of the Best Social Media Tools for PR Professional and Journalists by Mashable in care of Continue Reading
An Introduction To The Loop Structure – Everyone’s A Bit Loopy
Loops are things in programming languages and operating systems that process stuff. Loops do what they sound like. If you were to run around in circles you are also looping around in a circle. So, if you can imagine running around in circles in the same spot, you have the ability to process stuff while you loop around in circles. Processing stuff while you run around in Continue Reading
Learning Ruby On Rails
What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby is a programming language and Rails is a framework. What the heck's a framework? Well you'll find it through the resources listed below. At the Ruby Programming Language website they describe Ruby on Rails as: A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to Continue Reading
55 Twitter Tots – Part Deux
It's been a while since I listed 55 Twitter Tots. So here's another list of 55 Twitter Tots for your tasting. Tweet Alerts - - Subscribe to a keyword and you'll be emailed a list of tweets with that keyword. Hmmm... Another way to do keyword research possibly? Cool TwitterCounter - Find out how many followers someone has as Continue Reading
WordPress 2.7 Cha-Cha-Changes
Just a quick post to show the WordPress 2.7 Dashboard from my article WordPress 2.7 - Hemorrhage Dashboard and the updated Dashboard (see below). We'll see how many time things change between now and their release date of November 10, 2008. October 5, 2008: October 8, 2008: More changes to come. Woo Hoo!! Instead of Who Moved My Cheese? we should be thinking Continue Reading