eBooks are great. There's nothing like subscribing for a free or pay for eBook to help you learn something new or gain a different angle on a topic. While reading various eBooks in different areas including teaching, internet marketing, blogging, and quieting yourself, I put together a short list of best practices when creating an eBook, since I might be writing one in the Continue Reading
4 Tips For Managing Your PC
photo credit: shioshvili Is your computer's Desktop or My Documents folders overflowing with files? Do you save a bunch of stuff to your desktop? Shortcuts to documents? Shortcuts to websites? Shortcuts to everything? Programs you downloaded and installed? Photographs downloaded from your camera? Do you let it all sit there until it takes over your desktop? A lot of Continue Reading
How To Zip and Unzip Files
What does it mean to zip and unzip files? A zip file is one file that contains many files. Think of zipping up stuff in your purse or a fanny pack (I haven't seen too many fanny packs in a while). Unzipping would be the reverse. Open up the purse or fanny pack and dump the contents out. Why would you want to zip up a bunch of files? Well, with most email services you Continue Reading
My First WordPress Theme – Part 2
Click on image for larger view (1024 x 768) Above is the outcome of going through a WordPress tutorial at the WPDesigner blog by Small Potato. Here are the final files that were created and are standard to a WordPress theme. These files provide a standard basis for all WordPress themes. You don't have to organize your files this way, but it is a standard that makes it Continue Reading
My First WordPress Theme – Part 1
My First WordPress Theme Here's what I've done with my first WordPress theme I'm creating. Why am I creating a WordPress theme when there are a billion of them out there for free and much better than what I can create, as well as all the available premium themes that are outstanding? Well, good question. :) My wife is being particular in what she wants on her new Continue Reading