In the arena of “How many ways can we watch stories arrive at Digg?” Here are 5 fun things to do at the Digg Labs. This is as much fun as when I first discovered and started using StumbleUpon.
stack – Diggers fall from above and stack up on popular stories. Green stories have more diggs.
swarm – Diggers swarm around active stories and make them grow. Yellow stories have more diggs.
bigspy – upcoming stories appear at the top when people digg them. Bigger stories have more diggs. The digg count is listed in red. I like this one.
arc – Stories arrange themselves around the circle as users digg them. Larger stories have more diggs.
pics – Images are organized by topic and flow in from the left as they are submitted and dugg. You can click each row to expand the row and once expanded you can drag the row to scroll and browse.
[techtags: Digg, Social Media, Social Bookmarking]
I like Big spy in particular. I’ll never have to stress myself out finding awesome stories. Great feature. I’ll check the others out as well. Thanks!
I didn’t know about these. Thanks so much for posting them since im a digg freak 🙂